Interactions Insights and Analytics

In this video, we will review how our Interactions Insights feature takes the information captured during a sales call and documents all instances within the call a key Point was discussed, and the duration of the time spent on each Point.  Duration is a key indicator of what is most important to the prospect.

 Let’s review a recent prospect call. Our Interactions page shows us the following in descending order, based on the duration of each Discussion Point:

  • Time of and duration of the call                                                                                         
  • All captured Discussion Points 

You will also see a Targeted Time Value given to several of the Discussion Points. These values represent the average time top reps usually spend covering these topics, and can be easily modified to more accurately reflect different sales roles – such as a new business rep vs an installed based rep, for example. 

We then calculate the actual time spent on each point and compare it to the targeted time, represented as a percentage. This is a great, easy-to-read report for Sales Managers to see where reps are spending their time on sales calls and how that compares to best practices.

Not all Discussion Points have Targeted Times associated with them for several reasons.  For instance, not all prospects would be interested in a particular feature. 

Since these topics may not be discussed on every call, giving them a targeted time may not be appropriate. What is appropriate (and helpful), is knowing which features were discussed . . . .  and for how long.

Our Interactions Insights provides sales pros with unparalleled views into the anatomy of a sales call, helping both reps and managers to easily and accurately review how, and where, they should be spending their time with the prospect to ensure the highest levels of sales success.

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